Los Tres Brazos Weather
Current: 24.87°C/76.77°F, Wind SW at 1.15 km/h, 89% Humidity, 0% Chance of rain
- Los Tres Brazos Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Los Tres Brazos over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Los Tres Brazos in the coming days
- Rainfall in Los Tres Brazos in the coming days
- Santo Domingo's weather
- Comments
Current conditions
Updated: 19:12 PM Monday 07 October 2024
Overcast Clouds
Condition: Overcast Clouds
Pressure: 1,011 hPa
Sea level: 1,011 hPa
Temperature: 25.74°C
Cloud: 94%
Humidity: 89%
Wind: N 3.35 km/h
Visibility: 10,000 m
30 Sep
Moderate Rain
01 Oct
Light Rain
02 Oct
Light Rain
03 Oct
Light Rain
04 Oct
Scattered Clouds
Hourly forecast today:
20:00 PM
25° / 26°
25° / 26°
Overcast Clouds
1.15 km/h
21:00 PM
26° / 28°
26° / 28°
Overcast Clouds
7.06 km/h
22:00 PM
28° / 30°
28° / 30°
Broken Clouds
9.58 km/h
23:00 PM
29° / 30°
29° / 30°
Broken Clouds
12.49 km/h
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 29.31°C
- Average low 25.65°C
- Hottest day (01 November 2024) 31.19°C
- Coldest day (26 October 2024) 24.63°C
- Average humidity 74.5%
- Days with precipitation 15 days
- Highest precipitation 7.95 mm (09 October 2024)
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 29°C
- Min: 23°C
- Total Precipitation: 15.44 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Santo Domingo over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Santo Domingo in the coming days
Rainfall in Santo Domingo in the coming days
Santo Domingo's weather
- Arroyo Hondo
- Barrio Obrero
- Cancino
- Ciudad Nueva
- El Algibe
- El Seis
- Ensanche Luperon
- Ferrand
- Guaricano
- Juan Lopez
- La Caridad
- La Faria
- La Julia
- La Rusia
- Los Mameyes
- Los Tres Ojos de Agua
- Mendoza
- Reparto Isabelita
- San Martin de Porres
- Simon Bolivar
- Villa Consuelo
- Villa Maria
- Ensanche Quisqueya
- Ensanche Savica de Mendoza
- Ensanche Villa Faro
- Gala
- Gascue
- Guibia
- Hainamosa
- Honduras
- La Agustina
- La Alianza
- La Barquita de Santa Cruz
- La Cruz de Mendoza
- La Culata
- La Esperilla
- La Francia
- La Fuente
- La Piedra
- La Pomarrosa
- La Rafaela
- La Viva
- Las Canitas
- Los Frailes
- Los Minas
- Los Prados
- Los Tres Brazos
- Mandinga
- Marmolejos
- Mata Hambre
- Mosquiteria
- Perantuen
- Pueblo Nuevo
- Sabana Perdida
- San Carlos
- San Jose de Mendoza
- Sans Souci
- Santo Domingo
- Simonico
- Tamarindo del Norte
- Timbeque
- Villa Duarte
- Villa Francisca
- Villa Luisa
- Agua Dulce
- Arroyo Salado
- Barrio Maria Auxiliadora
- Barrio Mejoraminto Social
- Batey La Culata
- Bella Vista
- Calero
- Cancino Adentro
- Capotillo
- Carlos Guerra
- Colonia Agricola
- Cristo Rey
- El Algodonal
- El Cachon
- El Ensanchito
- Ensanche Alma Rosa
- Ensanche Independencia
- Ensanche La Fe
- Ensanche Los Minas
- Ensanche Lugo
- Ensanche Ozama
- Ensanche Piantini
- Ensanche Presidente Espaillat
- Villas Agricolas Numero Dos
- Villas Agricolas Numero Uno
Comments (0)
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Air quality
Moderate air quality, health effects possible for sensitive people, general public usually unaffected
- CO 634.19
- NH3 19
- NO 9.5
- NO2 28.1
- O3 1.36
- PM10 42.7
- PM25 38.01
- SO2 19.79
Sunrise / Sunset
17:31 PM
05:22 AM