Barrio Norte Weather
Current: 25.66°C/78.19°F, Wind SW at 6.26 km/h, 82% Humidity, 0% Chance of rain
- Barrio Norte Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Barrio Norte over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Barrio Norte in the coming days
- Rainfall in Barrio Norte in the coming days
- Valverde's weather
- Comments
Current conditions
Updated: 19:08 PM Monday 07 October 2024
Scattered Clouds
Condition: Scattered Clouds
Pressure: 1,011 hPa
Sea level: 1,011 hPa
Temperature: 26.42°C
Cloud: 43%
Humidity: 82%
Wind: SE 5.8 km/h
Visibility: 10,000 m
27 Sep
Scattered Clouds
28 Sep
Overcast Clouds
29 Sep
Light Rain
30 Sep
Light Rain
01 Oct
Light Rain
Hourly forecast today:
20:00 PM
26° / 27°
26° / 27°
Scattered Clouds
6.26 km/h
21:00 PM
27° / 30°
27° / 30°
Scattered Clouds
5.36 km/h
22:00 PM
30° / 32°
30° / 32°
Scattered Clouds
4.36 km/h
23:00 PM
32° / 34°
32° / 34°
Few Clouds
4.54 km/h
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 29.47°C
- Average low 24.09°C
- Hottest day (09 October 2024) 32.6°C
- Coldest day (04 November 2024) 23.02°C
- Average humidity 74.63%
- Days with precipitation 13 days
- Highest precipitation 5.16 mm (07 October 2024)
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 30°C
- Min: 22°C
- Total Precipitation: 9.88 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Valverde over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Valverde in the coming days
Rainfall in Valverde in the coming days
Valverde's weather
- El Llano
- Los Higos
- Amina
- Barrero
- Barrio Yaguita
- Caneo
- Cruce de Guayacanes
- Damajagua
- El Carril Arriba
- El Guabal
- Gajo Alto
- Gurabo
- Hato Nuevo
- Jicome
- La Boca de Mao Abajo
- La Cumbre
- La Llanada
- La Pena
- Laguna Salada
- Las Carreras
- Los Canos
- Los Hoyos
- Los Tablones
- Maizal
- Palma de los Hierros
- Paso de la Jagua
- Pozo Prieto
- Puente San Rafael
- Sibila
- Arroyo Cana
- Arroyo de Agua
- Arroyo Seco
- Barrio Norte
- Barrio Sur
- Batey Amina
- Batey Numero Tres
- Boca de Mao
- Cibao
- Copeyito
- Cruce de Barrero
- Cruce de Jicome
- Cruce de Penuela
- El Alto
- El Carril
- El Carril Abajo
- El Cayucal
- El Chorro
- El Corte
- Esperanza
- Grayumbo
- Guamacho
- Guayacanes
- Gurabo Adentro
- Gurabo Afuera
- Hatico
- Higuerito Penuela
- Jaibon
- Jicome Abajo
- Jicome Arriba
- Jinamagao
- La Cabirma
- La Caya
- La Cayota
- La Guazara
- Los Quemados
- La Guazumita
- La Jagua
- La Loma
- La Lomita
- La Lomota
- La Penita
- La Toma
- Laguna de Soliman
- Laguneta
- Las Alforjas
- Loma de Aguacate
- Loma de Maimon
- Los Arroyos
- Los Hidalgos
- Los Osorios
- Los Pinos
- Los Tres Pasos
- Maimon
- Mao
- Mao Adentro
- Ojos de Agua
- Palo Amarillo
- Palo de Leche
- Paradero
- Penuela
- Penuela Abajo
- Playa Grande
- Pretiles
- Pueblo Nuevo
- Ranchete
- Sabana Grande
- Saint-Deck
- Tierra Fria
- Yerba de Guinea
- Palma Picada
Comments (0)
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Air quality
Satisfactory air quality, minimal pollution, low risk
- CO 270.37
- NH3 2.41
- NO 0.27
- NO2 6.51
- O3 9.66
- PM10 5.46
- PM25 4.02
- SO2 0.95
Sunrise / Sunset
17:36 PM
05:26 AM